Tuesday, March 11, 2014

  Day Six:

Activity 1

Analyzing simple Heat Engine cycle

We found that the total of work is the same as the area of the rectangular.

Demo #1 (Mass Lifting Machine)


  • Syringe: measure pressure.
  • Hot Water: to add heat energy to the system, so the system does positive work.
  • Cold Water: to remove heat energy from the system, so the system does negative work.
  • Flask: to hold water.

Pressure Vs. Volume gas we got from the demo above.

Volume went down when mass is added and when Flask is in the cold water.

Activity 2 Carnot Engine Cycle

Activity 3 ActivPhysics

Q is larger in second picture because W is not zero and Q = U +W.

Answer to the activphysics problems:

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